NDE Screening Date 2023/2024 Is Out | See Venues and Requirements

NDE Screening Date, Venues, and Requirements are out for the 2023 shortlisted candidates. The information here is meant to enlighten readers on the National Directorate of Employment NDE Screening Date, Venues, and Requirements. So continue reading to the end to see the complete details.

The National Directorate of Employment Recruitment NDE had begun and ended, and the names of shortlisted candidates had also been released. This article is therefore meant to help readers how to check the screening date of the National Directorate of Employment as released by the management of the organization.

The National Directorate of Employment was set up in November 1986 and started operation in 1987. Due to the economic recession f the ’80s, there was a necessity to set up an organization such as the National Directorate of Employment to reduce the concurrent reduction in capacity utilization and outright closure of industries in Nigeria which was a result of the 1980’s recession in Nigeria. It was also necessary because earlier government economic policies such as the Structural adjustment program (SAP), devaluation of the Naira, privatization, and commercialization of the economy, etc led to massive losses in jobs both in the private and public sectors of the economy.


NDE Recruitment 2023 Application Form, Requirements & Registration Portal | www.nde.gov.ng

NDE Screening Date, Venues, and Requirements

A lot of readers have been bombarding us with questions regarding the National Directorate of Employment Screening Date, Venues, and Requirements. This article will answer their biggest question which has remained, is the NDE Screening Date out?

APPLY:  ICPC Screening Date 2023/2024 | See Training Date and Requirement

Ast at the time of penning this article, the National Directorate of Employment Date for shortlisted candidates screening has not been made public online. But maybe by the time you are reading this material, the screening date, screening venue, and screening requirements for the NDE shortlisted candidate would have been released.


NDE Shortlisted Candidates 2023 | How to Check Online

If the date, Venue, and requirements have been made public, then do well to follow our instructions here on how to check the date for screening of the NDE shortlisted candidates 2023. We also advised shortlisted candidates who are awaiting the screening date to bookmark this page and visit often to stay updated on news regarding the date of the screening.