THE NECO BECE Registration form for Junior WAEC 2023 will be available starting Tuesday, March 30th. The BECE NECO Registration Form deadline has been announced. You will make every effort to complete the online registration by Monday, May 24, 2023, or your application will be rejected.

BECE Registration Form 2023
The National Examination Council, NECO, wishes to notify the general public, schools, parents, and teachers that registration for the Basic Education Certification Examination, BECE, into the Senior Secondary School for the 2023 session has begun. The registration deadline is set for Monday, May 24th, 2023.
Candidates in their third year of junior secondary school undergo the Basic Education Certification Examination to transition from the ninth year of basic education to senior secondary school.
While each state and the FCT administer the BECE to their candidates, NECO administers the BECE to Federal Unity Colleges, Armed Forces Secondary Schools, and other Federal institutions that operate secondary schools. Private secondary schools may also take part in the NECO BECE if their state ministries of education allow it.
Little Or More About NECO BECE
The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) is a test given to junior secondary school students in their final year. It is used to bridge the gap between JSS 3 of basic education and senior secondary school.
While each state and the FCT administer the BECE to their candidates, NECO administers the exam to Federal Unity Colleges and other allied institutions.
Private secondary schools that are interested can also take the exam if their state ministries of education allow it. As the first school leaving certificate, the BECE certificate replaces the primary school certificate.
The National Examinations Council (NECO) Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) for the final year of Junior Secondary School (JSS 3) – also known as Junior WAEC – has begun online registration.
Learn how to obtain the NECO Junior WAEC Registration Form 2020/2023 Academic Exercise, which was recently issued by the Basic Education Certificate Examination management (BECE)
Eligibility for NECO BECE Registration
Only candidates in their final year of Junior Secondary School, i.e. (JSS 3) are eligible for registration, principals/commandants of schools are hereby told. The 2023 NECO BECE is only for school-based candidates in Nigeria and abroad, for the avoidance of doubt. The eligibility requirement should be enforced by school principals/commandants and state education departments.
What is the cost of the BECE Registration Form 2023?
The following are the fees for the review and other relevant things that have been approved:
4,000.00 Naira registration fee (Mandatory fee)
Late Registration Fee: 1,000 Naira per candidate (Mandatory fee)
Exam retake – 1,000.00 Naira per Candidate, per Subject
2,500.00 Naira per candidate for name correction
Fee for non-viability – 10,000.00 Naira (for centers that registered less than 20 candidates)
Both OFFLINE and ONLINE registration will be available for the BECE in 2023.
There is no longer any manual registration available. The offline entry of candidates’ registration data has taken the place of manual registration entries.
At the BECE stage, eighteen subjects are administered.
A Candidate is only allowed to take up to ten subjects.
If a candidate passes six subjects, including English and Mathematics, he or she is considered to have passed the BECE.
The following is the ranking system:
A – Distinction
B – Upper Credit
C – Lower Credit
P – Pass
F – Fail
The registration process adopted by the Council last year will be used for the 2023 Basic Education Certificate Examination, Principals and Commandants of Secondary Schools are hereby told (BECE).
In light of the above, please find the detailed procedure and guidelines for the BECE registration in 2023 below.
NB: You must carefully read, comprehend, and comply with the specifications contained therein.
Do not be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification on any aspect of the new registration process that you are unsure about.
Please note that before beginning the registration process, you must read and fully comprehend the registration procedure and guidelines.
This letter is intended for all secondary school principals and commandants to read and enforce.
How to Fill Out the NECO BECE Registration Form 2023
The offline registration form is also available on the Council’s website,
Payments must be made solely via the NEC portal. Registration quota is allocated based on the sum paid into the NECO TSA after effective payment.
Uploading Candidate Data: A Step-by-Step Guide
The following is the protocol for uploading candidates’ data to the website:
- Make sure your machine is connected to the internet.
- Start the offline program.
- Select “Payment and Upload” from the drop-down menu.
- Select “Check Payment” from the drop-down menu.
- To log in, enter your administrator login credentials.
- Candidates should be chosen and uploaded as required.
- Duration of BECE NECO Registration
The daily registration period is from Tuesday, March 30th, 2023, to Monday, May 24th, 2023. (Any school that does not register within the allotted time will be charged a late registration fee.)
The registration period for late registration has begun.
The printed payment invoice and endorsed final validation list must be returned by Monday, May 28th, 2023. The registration period for BECE-Resit is between 26th July and 16th August 2023 BECE Resit is tentatively scheduled for August 11th and 12th, 2023.