Civil Defence Recruitment 2023/2024 Requirement & Application Form | Registration Portal

Civil Defence Recruitment 2023 | The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) Recruitment 2023 application process instructions and details on the application form and requirements are provided below.

The start date for the 2023 Civil Defense Recruitment has been announced. Visit to view the application form, requirements, instructions for the NSCDC Recruitment 2023, and all the details you require for the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps Recruitment 2023.

This article covers the Civil Defense recruitment website, application requirements, and processes. You can apply for Civil Defense jobs on the portal and get shortlisted. Most importantly, there are no fees associated with NSCDC recruiting in 2023. Take note of this if you intend to apply for any job openings with the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC).

You can find online applications on the Civil Defense recruitment website. Because of this, this page offers all the information you would need to apply for Civil Defence Recruitment 2023. In addition to seeing the official website for the Civil Defence Recruitment 2023 exercise, this page provides information on how to use the NSCDC Recruitment 2023 procedure.

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Is the Civil Defence Recruitment form 2023 out?

If yes, when will it be made available? Many ask if the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) recruiting form is genuinely accessible for 2023. The quick answer is no. However, civil Defense will let us know when the NSCDC application form is available.

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Civil defense recruiters are to use the websites or Once the recruiting is formally opened, the civil defense application portal website will be open for access.

Requirements for Civil Defense Recruitment in 2023

Height male 1.68
Height Female 1.65
Min age 18
Max age 30
Certification OND/HND/BSC/Masters in a related field.

Please be informed that there is currently no Civil Defense application accessible. When the form becomes accessible online, we’ll update this page. Simply visit our website or the Civil Defence Recruitment Portal at to learn when the form will be available for 2023.

About Nigerian Civil Defense Recruitment 2023

The semi-military Nigerian Civil Security and Defense Corps (NSCDC) was founded in May 1967. During the Nigerian Civil War in May 1967, the Nigerian Civil Defense and Security Corps were established in Lagos, then the Federal Federal Territory, to educate and protect the civilian population.

It then went under the name Lagos Civil Defense Committee. Finally, it became the Nigerian Civil Defense and Defense Corps in 1970. Visit the official NSCDC portal at for additional information on the Commandant General, History, NSCDC ACT, Rank Structure, Mission & Vision, and Careers.

On this page, we will notify our readers about the Nigeria Civil Defense recruitment for 2021. In addition, we routinely check the official portal to ensure that all recruitment developments are noticed.

On the website, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) has made it clear that applying for employment with the company is entirely free and transparent. This means that, as long as you have the necessary credentials, you should be eligible to participate in the recruitment process.

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How to apply for Nigerian civil Defense Recruitment 2023

It’s relatively easy to apply for a job with the Civil Defense.

Register on the official recruitment website,

Once you’ve finished, upload your documents to the site along with the required information.

Here is a more detailed application process for jobs in civil Defense in 2023:

you can access the CDFIPB Careers website. Choose Apply. There, enter your biographical details. You should include your ID in the credentials you upload.

Please submit your application after it is complete.

The candidates that made the shortlist will hear from the agency soon.

If you have any other information on Civil Defence Recruitment 2023, kindly comment below, and we’ll keep you thoroughly informed. Unfortunately, there is no additional information on the Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Job Recruitment Exercise.