FCSC Shortlisted Candidates 2023 | How to Check

FCSC Shortlisted Candidates 2023 list in PDF has Been Released | How to Check

Here is breaking news for all the candidates who participated in the Federal Civil Service Commission Recruitment exercise this year. The FCSC Recruitment Shortlisted Candidates 2023 has been released. You can check your status here.

The list has been released in PDF and can be downloaded on your device I.e. your laptop or your phone. The details on how to download have been provided here. You will see it as you keep reading. Download the authentic Federal Civil Service Commission Shortlisted Candidates Here.

All candidates that have been shortlisted should please know that they will be called for screening as being shortlisted is not the end. Therefore you will have to purchase past question materials and study in order to succeed in the interview test.

Is the Federal Civil Service Commission Shortlisted Candidates Out?

Here you will get to know whether the FCSC Shortlist is out.  The Federal Civil Service Shortlisted Candidates Batch B has not been released now, but by the time you might be reading this article, the list should be out.

If you want to easily access the list, please bookmark this page and subscribe to our email newsletters to stay updated.

You will only receive an email if you have been shortlisted, so if you do not receive the email, do not dismay as you might not have been shortlisted. That is not the end of the world. There is another recruitment currently ongoing which you can apply for. We will list those other jobs available for you later in the article.

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Remember this: do not pay money to anybody online in other to be given a place in the Federal Civil Service Commission. The recruitment is based on merit; you will succeed if you meet all the requirements.

Federal Civil Service Registration portal

https://nis.fedcivilservice.gov.ng/ is the correct and authentic portal of the Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC). This is where the entire log-in and registrations as well as documentation will be done.

Please remember this also: aside from the FCSC portal, your email will also be handy i.e. the email you use during the registration shall be used to convey the bulk of the information which you shall need for the shortlisted Candidates’ screening. So keep the email safe and remember your password.

Federal Civil Service Commission Latest News

Do you want to get the latest and most updated news on the FCSC Recruitment and Shortlist Candidates as well as the screening date? Then do not hesitate to bookmark this page and subscribe to our email list to stay constantly updated.

How to Check the FCSC Shortlisted Candidates 2023

Here is the authentic information on how to check the Federal Civil Service Shortlisted Candidates 2023. Follow the instructions here to the letter to do it right.

First and foremost, note that you can check the shortlist directly here at https://nis.fedcivilservice.gov.ng/. You will also be contacted via the email and phone number which you use during the registration.

The List is spread across all the 36 states in Nigeria including the FCT, so no state is left behind.

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