OAUTHC Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 Employment list is Out

The OAUTHC Shortlisted Candidates 2023 Employment list is Out, As we celebrate all those who made it through this process, all applicants who want to see the full list can read through this page to get the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC) Shortlisted  Candidates.

As we are waiting for the OAUTHC Employment List, may we also endeavour to know how to search for the list online, most times because of many websites online we may experience some difficulty in seeking the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex Shortlist, that is why we have decided to practically pen down some profitable information that will help each and every candidate to get access to their names?

Has OAUTHC Shortlisted Candidates for 2023?

This is to let all those who participated in the recent OAUTHC recruitment that the Employment List for 2023 is out but Note: the authorities have not made it known to the public, so all those who are expecting this Employment List are to exercise patience while waiting for the list of Shortlisted Candidates prepare yourself for the upcoming examination that will follow after the list is published online, if there’s any other vital information you need as regards to this topic, it will be made known to you here on this portal.

Check This:

OAUTHC Examination Result 2023 CBT Test Result Checking Portal

How to Check the OAUTHC Shortlist 2023

Check List

Checking the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex Shortlisted candidates for this year is very easy, most times becomes difficult for some people who don’t have an idea on how to go about it, but here on this portal, we will be making it very simple for everybody to ascertain if you were among the selected candidates you have to visit the official portal of the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals to view the list or to make it very easy it will be uploaded here as soon as it is out.

APPLY:  NNPC Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 is out | How to Check List

I Can’t Find My Name on the List.

If you Can’t Find your Name on the employment List, you have to check back later it might be that when you checked the list for all batches is not completed yet, our advice on this is, you have to check back later you might lucky to see your name at the completed full list, but all trial you still don’t see your name, just know that you were not chosen to participate.


This is how far we can go on this topic, if you have questions to ask about the OAUTHC Shortlisted Candidates 2023   Employment list, you can make use of the comment section, we will be glad to attend to your questions as fast as we can. So if you made it through this recruitment, congratulations the next thing to do is to prepare for the examination that will commence after the list is completed.