Theobarth Grant Disbursement 2023/2024 Update, Requirements & Application Portal:

Theobarth Grant Disbursement 2023 – Theobarth Grant Disbursement is about to begin, and all interested candidates must apply for the grant. Everyone who submitted an application must start preparing for the change that will begin over them through this project..

In this article, we’ve outlined some things that can be useful to you in submitting your application.

It’s important to note that the CEO of Theobarth Grant Disbursement, Mr Theophilus Oloche Ebonyi, has given the go-ahead for the Disbursement of the grants. However, The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is still processing the grant, hence the delay in Disbursement.

However, while you wait for the Disbursement date, read on to learn more about Theobarth Grant Disbursement 2023.

About Theobarth Grant Disbursement 2023

Incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and other financial agencies that oversee all business conglomerates in Nigeria, Theobarth Global Foundation Grant is an internationally renowned Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and a registered limited liability company in Nigeria.

Theobarth Global Foundation has a distinct vision, goals, core values, organizational structure, creative spirit, policy declarations, and standards of global best practices.

Theorbarth sees a nation where the most disadvantaged and less opportuned families would receive support to overcome adversity and build thriving, healthy lives for themselves and their communities.

TheoBarth Vision

To empower the oppressed through social intervention programs, technology, skill acquisition programs, adult education, practical and radical human development programs, and keeping track of the poor in Nigeria and Africa, the fundamental mission is to ensure the stability of all the poor people in the system.

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Registration Requirements for TheoBarth Grant

Applicants are required to leave their Account Name, Account Number, Bank Name, and working phone number in any TheoBarth cluster nearby to register for Theobarth Grant 2023.
Units or clusters will be where payments are made.

Find a cluster and join it right away if you aren’t already.

Over the 36 states of Nigeria and the FCT,, there are hundreds of clusters.

Please note that the Theobarth Grant Disbursement exercise is free of charge; do not pay anyone to facilitate the grant for you.

Theobarth Official Application Portal 2023

Please go to to access the organization’s official website for additional information about Theo Barth Grant. You can discover more helpful information there.

Lastly, if you found this information helpful, we advise you to visit this page often for more updates on Theobarth Grant Disbursement 2023.